I hated school, with a
passion,l just did not want tolearn. I particularly hated History and
English,and my handwriting was, and still is pathetic,thank goodness for word
processors, although, Iwas always first in my class in Metalwork, Woodwork, and
Technical drawing, I was never going to be an academic.Mt school reports always
steed the same thing, daydreams a lot, not just a lot, actually most of the time,
I just didnot want to learn what they were trying to teach me. I left School at
the age of fifteen with no qualifications. Luckily I gained an apprenticeship
as an electrician, went to college, that was an eye-opener, that was when I
learned that if Iwanted something. I had to work for it. and hard work really
did prey off., and that I should have listened to my teachers at shool,
especially English. When I started writing I realized there was so much about
writing that I had torelearn. Nobody ever said life was easy.
I Started to write just to
fill in time spent at home resting. I Wrote a short story, about 80 A5 pages,
to one of my friends read it, his comment was ‘make it a novel’,PANIC.
My novel WHY? was the
outcome, but I never had the confidence inn my ability as a writer to attempt
to get it published. Getting The Ellette Saga published had given me the
confidence to put my other work forward for publishing,what then future holds
is anybody guess, one step at a time.
Oneof my favorite phrases is
‘Just do it’ but self belief is still one of the hardest things to achieve.,
and one of the hardest things anyone can believe is ‘I CAN’
This is my first blog who
knows what will come next.
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